
Examples of emergency issues include:

  • Failure of your heating and/or hot water system
  • Failure of electrics

If you have one of these emergencies during normal working hours (9am-5pm), please contact your regional office as normal. Outside of working hours, please use the corresponding out of hours number below.

Company In Hours (9am-5pm) Out of hours (5pm-9am)
Anglia 01603 977211 03330 156621
Central 0121 748 9820 03330 156621
Cornwall & West Devon 01752 910 950 03330 156621
Durham 0191 3774000  01207 509293
East Midlands 01733 397250 03330 156621
East Scotland 01506 638300  03330 156621
East Wales 01443 223653 03330 156621
Essex 01376 518811  03330 156621
Lancashire 01524 542065  03330 156621
Midlands 01604 884666 03330 156621
North East 0191 2389950  01207 503293
North Midlands 0116 2891443 03330 156621
North Scotland 01738 500 823 03330 156621
North West 0161 746 3737 03330 156621
Nottingham 01623 709120  03330 156621
Severn Valley 01275 396000 03330 156621
South Coast 0800 0830116 03330 156621
South East 01622 626816 03330 156621
South Midlands 01527 851200 03330 156621
South West 01392 252541 03330 156621
Suffolk 01473 927 402 03330 156621
Teesside 01642 660200  01207 503293
Thames Valley 01276 808 080  03330 156621
Wessex 01666 827827 03330 156621
West Midlands 01902 624300 03330 156621
West Scotland 0141 766 2627   03330 156621
West Wales 01792 229800 03330 156621
West Yorkshire 0113 235 1297 03330 156621
Yorkshire 01904 543097  03330 156621 

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