
Looking for a new home in Fife?

Fife is the guardian of the east coast peninsula between Edinburgh and Dundee and the great Firths of Forth and Tay. Your new home will be in good company in this record-breaking county.

Fife is the county with Scotland’s longest continuous coastal path. It’s the county with Scotland’s first Regional Park, the Lomond Hills. St Andrews has the largest public golf complex in Europe – as well as a top-class university.  As if that isn’t enough, Scotland’s largest fresh-water loch, Loch Leven, is just over the border in Perth & Kinross. With all these records, this area doesn’t disappoint as a place to live and work. The main towns are Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline and Glenrothes - which took over as the county town from Cupar. Contrasting with the working towns, the coastal towns and villages grew up around their fishing harbours. Alongside Fife’s award-winning beaches, Anstruther, Crail and St Monans are just a few of the lovely places to put on your exploring checklist.

Direct main roads link Dundee, Perth, St Andrews, Dunfermline and Edinburgh, while ScotRail’s scenic and practical cross-country train services connect Fife with the rest of Scotland.

Our locations in Fife