First spade in the ground at Ringmer

06 June 2024

The first spade went into the ground at Ringmer, Lewes as work started on the latest Charles Church development.

53 much-needed new homes will be built on land off Round House Road, with 21 made available to those in housing need through a local housing partner. These will be offered on a shared ownership basis or for below market value rent.

Archaeologists have been on site over recent weeks carrying out excavations before the development could start.

Martin Crick, Managing Director for Persimmon Homes South East, then ceremoniously cut the first turf as groundworkers prepared to move on to the site and mark out the first plots.

The first of the new homes will be built fronting Round House Road and are expected to be ready later this year, with the first families likely to move in before Christmas.

Martin Crick said: “We are delighted to be starting work here at Ringmer and bringing additional much-needed housing to the market. We will be delivering high-quality homes that meet local demand, including shared ownership homes.”

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