Planning permission sought for next stage of major Didcot site

16 April 2024

One of the developers behind the Valley Park site to the west of Didcot has submitted its application for the latest phase of the scheme.

Charles Church Wessex – sister company of Persimmon Homes – is seeking permission to construct 151 high-quality new homes, known as Phase 1Pa, on land west of Great Western Park. All of the properties will be zero carbon-ready, equipped with air source heat pumps, solar panels, and electric vehicle charging points.

49 of these, comprised of one-bed flats and two and three-bed houses, will be transferred to a local housing association partner, alleviating pressure on the local housing waiting list. There are over 2,000 people on Vale of White Horse’s housing waiting list.

The phase is located opposite where the Common Park will be established, which will include a wide variety of sports facilities. The scheme includes public open space featuring foot and cycle paths, and landscaping that provides high quality and safe connectivity through the site. This is addition to native shrub, hedge, and tree planting to compliment the residential surroundings.

Each of the houses will have parking spaces and be equipped with bicycle parking facilities. Biodiversity enhancements include the use of hedgehog fences, bee bricks, bat boxes, and insect hotels through the development.

The Valley Park scheme – which secured outline planning permission in 2022 – will see up to 4,254 homes for local people once completed, accompanied by mixed use local centres, primary schools, sports pitches, community and leisure facilities, special needs school, open space and extensive green infrastructure, hard and soft landscaping, attenuation areas, diversions to public rights of way, and pedestrian and vehicular access.

The £50m worth of investment will also deliver a significant number of local jobs on-site and through the supply chain. The news follows the five-star developer starting work on the first phase of 172 homes and supporting the local community through attending a careers day at Didcot Girls’ School last year.

Commenting, Persimmon Homes Regional Managing Director Julian Roper said “After securing detailed permission for our first phase last year, we have recently started construction at Valley Park, and I am delighted with the progress we have made in submitting our next application.

“Persimmon is investing several million pounds in delivering a new community at Valley Park, comprised of high-quality homes and public facilities that will help meet housing need in the area and create the sense of place everyone wants in the area they live.

“From housing association properties and active travel links to biological enhancements and green spaces, this phase – let alone the entire development itself – will deliver numerous benefits to residents, helping make Valley Park a destination for local families, as Persimmon leaves a positive and lasting legacy in Didcot.”

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